If you keep track of your cycle, for example in your diary or by using a special app, you’ll soon discover patterns. Knowing when to expect your next menstruation can be very useful. Why? We give you eight reasons.
1 It’s better for your underwear
Being caught off-guard by your period: it always happens when you’re wearing your very best panties. Menstrual blood stains aren’t easy to remove. So knowing when you’ll get your next period means less chance of ruining your lingerie.
2 You’ll never be without stock
Usually you get your period about once every month. But still, for every woman there comes a time when you start menstruating and discover there’s one tampon or menstrual pad left in the whole house. If you’ve charted your menstruation, you’ll know when it’s time for a big shop.
3 You understand why you’re that blunt
The whole world is stupid. No-one understands you. And then there’s also someone who dares to ask if you’re maybe about to get your period. Aarggh! Although? Wait a minute… Hormonal fluctuations can cause you to feel more emotional or irritated in the days before your menstruation. PMS! Forewarned is forearmed.
4 You can prevent binge eating
Hormonal fluctuations can also cause the uncontrollable urge to eat loads of chocolate, chips, crisps and cookies. Or they make you crave coffee or alcohol. Don’t listen to those cravings. Drink a lot of water to prevent – even though this sounds like a contradiction – feeling bloated.
5 It’s better for your skin
Well-known problem: you’re suffering from spots when menstruating. Again, because of the hormonal fluctuations. Take precautionary measures. Drink enough water. Clean your face before you go to bed, and use a purifying facial mask. This doesn’t guarantee you’ll have 100% spot-free skin, but taking care of yourself will make you feel better.
6 You can prevent a bad hair day
A lot of women complain about it: limp, greasy and lifeless hair when they’re menstruating. There doesn’t seem to be any scientific evidence for this, but better err on the side of caution. Wash your hair a day earlier than you would normally. Or use a few bobby pins and pin it up into something nice.
7 You know when you’re fertile
Some women feel it when they ovulate. Therefore they know when they’re most fertile. This is really useful if you want to get pregnant. If you know when your next period is due, you can also figure out when you’re ovulating. PS. Your ovulation is the moment an egg is released from the ovary and pushed down the fallopian tube, ready to be fertilised. This happens halfway through your menstrual cycle. If the egg doesn’t get fertilised, it gets shed together with the lining of the uterus. Exactly: your menstruation.
8 You know when something’s wrong
Your menstruation cycle says something about your health. If you suddenly stop menstruating, it could be an indication that something is wrong. Unless you’re pregnant or menopausal of course.
Read also:
10 Reasons to be happy with your period
When is a lot too much
No more periods
Too little: also possible?
Spotting in the spotlights
It’s not my period, it’s PMS
Period! is an independent, online magazine about all aspects of menstruation. Period! is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If you’re suffering from medical complaints, always visit your doctor or GP. Editorial articles can contain affiliate links. Sponsored collaborations can be found in the category Spotlight. Do you have any questions? Check our Contact page.