5 Reasons you should be ashamed
Menstruation + shame: they go hand in hand. But not because of the reasons you might think. (…)
Menstruation + shame: they go hand in hand. But not because of the reasons you might think. (…)
‘Rewind two years and you might have found me in a heap on my bedroom floor, crying, engulfed by a black cloud of depression.’ Business psychologist Clare Knox writes about dealing with PMDD. (…)
No more bleeding, hurrah? After the menopause, serious health issues can arise. To raise awareness for these issues, the 18th of October is #worldmenopauseday. This year’s theme: hormone therapy. (…)
Cramps during menstruation is called primary dysmenorrhea if there is no underlying physical cause. This is what you can do. (…)
Just before and during the first days of your menstruation, you may experience some sleeping difficulties. Five possible causes and solutions if your cycle affects your sleep. (…)
How about the male menopause? Does it really exist? Men do experience a decrease of testosterone production. (…)
You’re irritated, bloated and bleeding. Oh, and you’ve got cramps. The cons of menstruation are evident. But did you know there are also pros? How about No. 8: it can’t get any worse. (…)
Knowing when to expect your next menstruation can be very useful. We give you 8 reasons. (…)
Every beginning is difficult. And also the start of your menstruation can go hand in hand with pain and other complaints. But does this automatically mean something is wrong? (…)
Sometimes it seems you’re menstruating again halfway through your cycle. This is called spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Why does this happen? Is it serious? (…)
Menstruation + (elite) athletic performance: usually not a winning combination. But adapting your training to your cycle can lead to better results and less injuries. (…)
Headaches are annoying. Especially when you’re also on your period. Here are 12 tips against menstrual migraine. Also for ‘normal’ period pain. (…)
Is menstruating still necessary? It’s also possible to delete your periods with hormonal contraception. A lot of women do this, sometimes even without knowing. Here’s how. (..)
Wouldn’t you rather be a storm than a wave? ‘Let it go,’ says Rebecca Plume who fiercely recommends embracing your entire menstrual cycle, including the emotional outbursts caused by hormones. (…)
Plan diet, exercise, work and social activities according to your menstrual cycle for a more balanced life. (…)
‘My oncologist told me not to expect any future visits from Aunt Flo once I completed his prescribed six-session chemo routine.’ In other words: how cancer treatment effects your cycle. A story by Cruz Santana.(…)
Sara Lopez had no idea what her doctor was talking about when she diagnosed her with adenomyosis. Since then, however, she has become a certified health coach, and specialises in this painful condition. (…)
Heavy, painful or irregular periods and pms plague many women. Eight ways to balance your hormones and your menstrual cycle. (…)
What if the birth control pill suppresses a whole lot more than just your periods? Taq Bhandal writes about how going off the pill saved her sex drive and explains the advantages of natural fertility awareness methods. (…)
How does the menstrual cycle influence girls’ academic performance? A Dutch support service investigates… (…)