War souvenirs: tampons and pads
Did you know? During World War 1, army nurses realised that bandages made of wood pulp could also be used as menstrual pads. Tampons also have a link with the war industry. (…)
Did you know? During World War 1, army nurses realised that bandages made of wood pulp could also be used as menstrual pads. Tampons also have a link with the war industry. (…)
Is menstrual blood the same as normal blood? Is it always red? Is it dirty? What about the texture and thickness? Does it smell? Period! takes a closer look. (…)
The menstrual pads we wear today are pretty comfortable. But what did the predecessors look like? (…)
When is your fertile window? Knowledge of the menstrual cycle is essential to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. (…)
A heavy period awareness month. That’s happening in November in the Netherlands, where around 500.000 women suffer from heavy menstrual blood loss (HMB). Only 54% of these women visit a GP. (…)
A few hundred years ago women menstruated about 50 times in their lives; now, 500 times. What are the reasons for this? (…)
Every beginning is difficult. And also the start of your menstruation can go hand in hand with pain and other complaints. But does this automatically mean something is wrong? (…)
Breastfeeding women usually don’t get periods. Why not? And when do they start again? The link between menstruation and breastfeeding. (…)
Every once in a while, Period! Magazine reports about menstruating environmentally friendly. The reason this time: the new EU-marking specifications for disposable menstrual products. Even if these products contain zero oil-based plastics. (…)
To make it easier to talk about heavy menstrual bleeding, medical student Yara Dixon developed a colourful symptom checker. Currently, it’s available in Dutch, English, Turkish and Arabic. (…)
Men rate women as more desirable when they’re ovulating than when they’re menstruating. How does the menstrual cycle influence female attractiveness?
What were the three best read posts on Period! Magazine? In the last year and all-times? Read on and find out!
Do we know everything about menstrual products? Apparently not. The best read posts on Period! magazine are about problems with sanitary products. (…)
Do the menstrual cycles of women who live together in close proximity sync up over time? The idea is comforting, but it seems like the legendary McClintock-effect is a coincidence. (…)
Menstruation + (elite) athletic performance: usually not a winning combination. But adapting your training to your cycle can lead to better results and less injuries. (…)
Is menstruating still necessary? It’s also possible to delete your periods with hormonal contraception. A lot of women do this, sometimes even without knowing. Here’s how. (..)
What were the five best read posts on Period! magazine in 2019? Read on and find out! (…)
If you ever need to inform a hearing-impaired or deaf person that you’re on your period, look here for the correct signs. (…)
Today’s women care for the environment. Also when they’re menstruating. So we all use a menstrual cup. Ideal! Or not? (…)
On average, women are absent from work or school 1.3 days per year because of period problems. Productivity loss is equivalent to almost 9 days per year.That’s the conclusion of a Dutch study from Radboudumc; the largest of its kind. (…)