Periods at an early age, why?
Some girls get their first period when they’re 9, others don’t start menstruating until the age of 14. What causes puberty to start earlier?
Some girls get their first period when they’re 9, others don’t start menstruating until the age of 14. What causes puberty to start earlier?
Nowadays, you can trace exactly what you put into your body. Or not – because do you know what’s really inside your tampon?
Vaginal douches, feminine washes, intimate wet wipes and scented tissues. Have we forgotten that a healthy vagina is self-cleaning? (…)
Tampons can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period investigates the matter.
Before you embark on that payday shopping spree, listen to your uterus. (…)
They can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Are tampons really that dangerous or do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period investigates the matter. Part 3: rayon.
Could your menstrual cycle determine how competitive you are during a pub quiz, marathon or even that all important job interview? (…)
Tampons are usually made of cotton, rayon or a mix of these two fibres. But maybe in the future they’ll be made of jellyfish. (…)
Tampons can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period investigates the matter. Part 2: dioxins.
They can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Are tampons really that dangerous or do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period! investigates the matter.
Were 100 tampons enough for a one-week mission into space? Or would she need 200? This was what a male NASA engineer asked Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. (…)
The average menstruation lasts for 5 days. However, there are also women who only have their period for 2-3 days a month. And if you’re unlucky, the bleeding can continue for 7 days or even longer.
The word menstruation derives from the word mensis, Latin for month. A lunar month is meant here, not a calendar one. (…)