It is 2023 already, but there still are some persistent period myths. So, can you get pregnant on your period? Yes of course you can. Menstruation is no contraceptive. (…)
NASA’s latest class of astronauts is 50 percent female. Just like other women, female astronauts menstruate. What exactly happens when you have your period in space? How do you deal with menstruation on a mission to Mars. (…)
Is menstruating still necessary? It’s also possible to delete your periods with hormonal contraception. A lot of women do this, sometimes even without knowing. Here’s how. (..)
Back in the 1950s, the contraceptive pill was first presented as medication against painful periods. Temporary infertility was called just a side-effect. Soon loads of women were complaining about painful periods.
Heavy blood loss during your menstruation? It could be due to a bleeding disorder. Dr. Marieke Kruip, hematologist at the Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam (The Netherlands), believes this connection still isn’t acknowledged enough. (…)
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