Can a tampon get lost inside your body? What did women use before menstrual pads existed? Do you have to have sex before your first menstruation? Is menstrual blood different from normal blood? How to prevent vaginal odours? Do animals menstruate as well?
Those are just a few of the questions that have been sent to the editorial team. You’ll find the answers to these questions in one or more articles on Period!
Do you also have a question about menstruation? Is there something you’ve always wanted to know about periods? Email your question to redactie <at> or use the contact form. This can also be done anonymously. You’ll probably see the answer appear on Period! soon afterwards.
Attention: this only concerns general questions and subjects you’d like to see covered in an editorial article. If you have any specific medical questions about your own health, you should of course see a doctor or your GP.
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Period! is an independent, online magazine about all aspects of menstruation. Period! is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If you’re suffering from medical complaints, always visit your doctor or GP. Editorial articles can contain affiliate links. Sponsored collaborations can be found in the category Spotlight. Do you have any questions? Check our Contact page.