Menstruation + taboo (2): protest songs
Lately there has been a lot of attention for the subject of menstruation + taboo. Period! brings you the best awareness actions. This week: music.
Lately there has been a lot of attention for the subject of menstruation + taboo. Period! brings you the best awareness actions. This week: music.
Ah, the menopause! No more menstruation! But is this a reason for relief or worry?
A menstrual cup that will send you a text message on your smart phone when it’s time to refresh? The world’s first smart cup can do that.
From giving out reusable sanitary pads to delivering workshops about female anatomy, these organisations – sponsored by the #LetsFaceItPeriod campaign – improve menstrual health worldwide.
Of course you can bathe. You should bathe. But take care and don’t catch a cold. In 1946, Walt Disney gave menstrual education. (…)
Where to leave them? Well, this felt tampon pouch is certainly an option. We bet it brings a smile on your face no matter how much your period sucks.
Your menstruation as a fashion statement? It’s possible with this humoristic clutch, hair clip and necklace of the Dutch label Rommydebommy. Fun! (…)
No joke: the new Period Party accessory kit for dolls includes pads, a pair of panties and a menstrual calendar. (…)
On your period? Congrats, here’s the perfect greeting card for this bloody occasion. From Knotty Cards,
Need an excuse to put on red lipstick and make a gorgeous selfie? Here you are: the #Letsfaceitperiod campaign. (…)
Tampons can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period investigates the matter.
For some, this t-shirt will be nothing more special than showing a vintage tape with oldies on it.
Lately there has been a lot of attention for the subject of menstruation + taboo. Period! brings you the best awareness actions. This week: film festivals.
Before you embark on that payday shopping spree, listen to your uterus. (…)
They can contain toxins and cause TSS. At least, that’s what rumours say. Are tampons really that dangerous or do people make a big fuss about nothing? Period investigates the matter. Part 3: rayon.
A pouch with the text Vampire Teabags, Shark Week or Bloody Hell. The perfect semi-discrete place to store tampons, menstrual pads and/or menstrual cups. (…)
Do you know who I am?’ a drunk John Lennon asked a waitress of the Troubadour nightclub in West-Hollywood forty years ago when she refused to serve him any longer. ‘Sure,’ her reaction was: ‘Some asshole with a Kotex on his head.’ (…)
Could your menstrual cycle determine how competitive you are during a pub quiz, marathon or even that all important job interview? (…)
We bet your school planner doesn’t have a period tracker. That’s where this Pink Shark and Panties Period Tracker Stickers might fit in.
The experience of menstruation is often tied to key moments in our lives as women. Therefore, in literature the monthly bleeding is linked to symbolism and poignancy. Five examples. (…)