To celebrate MHDay 2019, on Tuesday, May 28 all sorts of events will be organised all over the world. But what’s happening where exactly? Here, we’ve highlighted five MHDay 2019 events on different continents, ranging from conferences to sewing meetings.
Learn about PMS & PMDD in Sweden
Despite the fact that many women suffer from PMS or PMDD, there’s still a lack of knowledge in society about these disorders. Find out more at this conference, where Professor of Obstetrics Torbjörn Backström will give an overview of the historical view perspective on women with hormonal disorders and explain what causes the diagnosis PMDD. Other speakers include psychologists Ulrike Braun and Susanna Johansson, who will talk about how cognitive behavioural therapy can alleviate PMS symptoms. The PMS & PMDD Conference is organised by MENSEN – forum för menstruation.
Date & time: 28 May 2019 17.00-20.00h
Venue: Hörsalen Dragonen, Gothenburg University, Sprängkullsgatan 19, Göteborg, Sweden
More info here
Say cheers to periods in New Zealand
‘Fill your cup of knowledge as we fill your cup with cocoa’ is the slogan of this tasty event. Bring a mug for hot chocolate and listen to various guest speakers about what it means to have a menstrual cycle, from a cultural, medical, accessibility and human perspective. There’ll also be a guided panel discussion and opportunity to mingle. Cheers to periods – a cup for a cup is organised by Wā Collective, a social enterprise aiming to end period poverty. Proceeds of the event will go towards menstrual cups for the Wellington Women’s Health Collective.
Date & time: 28 May 2019 17.30-19.30h
Venue: Hopper Home Eco Shop, 11 Hopper Street, Mt Cook, Wellington, New Zealand
More info here
Write essays in India
Menstrual hygiene of course starts with education. That’s why at the DES College of Nursing in Pune, the entire day will be themed around menstrual hygiene awareness. More than 100 schoolgirls will be listening to lectures, writing essays and creating posters, all about the subject. Afterwards, the girls will take a pledge to maintain good menstrual hygiene. This event is organised by the NGO Asmita Movement.
Date & time: 28 May 2019, 14.00-19.00h
Venue: DES College of Nursing, 904 Bhandarkar road, Pune, Maharashtra 411004, India
More info here
Inaugurate MHM cabins in Burkina Faso
Lack of proper resources has prevented girls from completing their education in places like Burkina Faso. Now, MHM cabins have been constructed at Fada N’Gourma’s two largest high schools. These cabins feature clean water and soap and thus provide girls with a necessary resource to privately, securely and safely address their menstrual needs. They’re also a place to wash themselves and their clothes when necessary. Of course, the two cabins will be inaugurated on MHM Day. This event is organised by the BARKA Foundation.
Date & time: 28 May 2019, 10.35-12.35h
Venue: Lycee Communal and Diaba Lompo, Fada N’Gourma, Burkina Faso
More info here

Sew sanitary pads in Canada
Not being able to afford regular tampons or pads, not having access to these disposable sanitary products, or wanting a more environmentally friendly way to manage your menstruation. There are many reasons to choose for reusable cloth sanitary pads. Want to also sew-it-yourself? Join the community volunteers to make components for Days for Girls sustainable feminine hygiene kits. This event is organised by the Days for Girls Winnipeg Chapter.
Date & time: 28 May 2019, 10.00-15.00h
Venue: Charleswood United Church, 4820 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3R 0G6, Canada
More info here
Find all the MHDay 2019 events here. Want to support this initiative? Talk about it on social media and use the hashtags #ItsTimeForAction and #MHDAY2019.
Read also:
MHDay2019: It’s Time For Action!
#MenstruationMatters! Period!
PMS’ extreme sister
How to use a menstrual cup?
Environmentally friendly menstruating
June 6, 2019 at 8:14 am
Thanks for the mention !