Member of the Red Cross. Riding the red bike. Too much sauce on the fish taco. Kitty is sick. In other words: how do you say ‘it’ when you don’t want to say it? Period! collects synonyms for the M- and the P-word. Additions to this list are always welcome!
A friend comes to visit
A little ketchup with my steak
An attack of the reds
At high tide
At war
Au bain Marie
Aunt Flo’s is in town
Being a lady
Being touched by the Goddess
Bitchy witchy week
Bleeding out the hoo-ha
Blood cannon
Blow job season
Closed for business
Code red
Congratulations! It’s an egg
Dracula’s tea bag
Eating ketchup with my steak
Eva’s curse
Driving in a red car
Expelling my hysteria
Fighting the Scarlet crusade
Five-day fun time
Getting my monthly subscription in the mail
Girly flu
Going to change my cooter plug
Grandma coming to visit
Having mechanical difficulties
Here comes the crimson tide
I’m bleeding
In my moon
In the red tent
I’ve got the curse
Kitty is sick
Leak week
Leaky basement
Losing my lining
Magic of the month
Member of the Red Cross
Monsoon season
Monthly evacuation
Monthly monster
Mr. Grumpy
My body hates me
My pussycat has a nosebleed
My special time
My uterus is angry
Off days
On the rag
Oestrogen poisoning
Passing a liver
Preparing for unborn children
Received my monthly statement
Red dot of doom
Red flow of misery
Red menace

Riding the red bike
Scarlet fever
Scourge of Eve
Shark week
She’s got the reds.
Surfing the crimson wave
Strings attached
Tears of a disappointed uterus
That thing with the lady parts
The red Ferrari is parked outside
There’s a red tide at clam harbour
That time of the month
Too much sauce on the fish taco
Uncle red
Unwanted guest
Weeping womb
Women things
Your/My vagina is emo
This is only a small enumeration. You’ll find a complete collection plus explanation on the site of the Museum of Menstrual Health (MUM). Visit:
Read also:
Not on Instagram
Leak chic