Menstrual education for kids is often given in the shape of a medical lesson, focusing on period problems and products and using an anatomical model to teach about ovaries and vagina. But shouldn’t learning about your monthly bleeding also include the question why it’s still a taboo subject? Tell kids there’s no need to be ashamed of their periods? And approach the whole subject in a more playful or poetic way? With board games, colouring books, computer games, mobile apps, poems and songs, these students, artists, authors and designers set a great example of thinking out of the box and making menstruation education fun.
Explain periods to your toddler with a poem
You’re a mother of a young child, who always wants to come with you everywhere, including to the bathroom. Every month you can either have the stress of making the child wait outside, confused and upset; or deal with a thousand questions about why mummy has peed herself? And why is your pee red? And what are these little sticks? And can I have one too? – all while managing your menstruation and trying to prevent your toddler from unwrapping your tampons. If only you had a child-friendly book to explain it all to your little one. British author Elizabeth Peck created an illustrated poem for 2-5 year olds that explains periods in a warm and child-centred way: Why Does Mummy’s Tummy Hurt?
‘The original aim of the beautifully illustrated book was to help mums explain periods to their young children so that the mums didn’t have to try and hide their periods, pains, menstrual products, et cetera, but after just a short while it became clear that there were many other reasons why it was good to share some basic knowledge with young children too’. At Period! we totally agree. So start explaining the basics by reading an alternative bedtime story. ‘Mummies’ bodies are amazing. They’re where new people grow. So safe and warm, the perfect form; We love their tummies so!’
Use lots of red
The colour you’ll use the most when colouring in the illustrations of the Period Coloring Book? Probably red. Canadian public health practitioner and sexual health advocate Andrea Yip came up with this book full of illustrations, from pads and menstrual underwear, to period sex and girls on the toilet. Her goal? Opening up the conversation around menstruation. More period colouring? There’s also Toni the Tampon, kid-friendly and designed by menstrual health educator Cass Clemmer. Less educational, but instead focussing on the adventures of Toni and her friends: Marina the Menstrual Cup, Sebastian the Sponge and Patrice the Pad.
Manage your doll’s menstruation
Every little girl knows Barbie. But apart from the classic model that’d have to walk on all fours in real life (the combination of miniature feet, ultra long legs, a tiny waist and cup D breasts is virtually impossible), there’s also the Lammily Doll. Anatomically correct, she doesn’t only look like a real woman, she even gets her period like one. The Period Party Kit for the Lammily Doll, designed by American Nickolay Lamm, consists of colourful pads and liners stickers, a pair of panties, a menstrual calendar and an educational pamphlet. The message: ‘Menstruation isn’t terrible or embarrassing, it means that one day, if you decide, your body may give life to a new person.’
Land on PMS? Play the ‘took a hot bath’ card
Every turn begins with a player turning one of the two ovaries. When a red marble comes out, you’ve got your period and are ready to play… Students of the American Rhode Island School of Design Daniela Gilsanz and Ryan Murphy developed The Period Game, a board game that teaches about what’s happening within the female body during your menstrual cycle. While playing, participants get comfortable with using words like ‘period’ and ‘tampon’. Land on PMS? Play the ‘took a hot bath’ card to continue. But beware: when suffering a leak, you have to go to the equivalent of Monopoly’s prison: the school nurse.
Sing along with dancing tampons
Pirate tampon puppets swinging from their strings? You’ll find them, plus some red spatters, in The Period Song. This video, released by Swedish children’s TV channel Barnkanalen aims to teach children that periods are in fact really normal. That’s done by YouTube star and TV presenter Alex Hermansson, who raps, plays the ukulele and tells boys to be extra nice to girls when they’re bleeding. The catchy chorus: ‘Period, period, hip hip hooray for period! The body’s working as it should. And that is really, really good – hooray!’ Watch it on YouTube.
Eliminate your opponents with tampons
Forget about Candy Crush. In The Tampon Run, you’re helping Luna rid the world of menstruation haters by throwing tampons at them. This game was created by Sophie Houser and Andrea Gonzales, high school students from NYC who found it ridiculous that in modern society violence and guns are considered less of a taboo than tampons and menstruation. When playing, it’s pretty much collect, shoot and dodge. But beware of the Big Red Wave and make sure you don’t run out of tampons or else it’s came over. Download it in the iTunes store.
Very Personally Yours
‘Not as poetic as it seems…’
Toni the Tampon
Barbie on her period
Throwing tampons
Period! is an independent, online magazine about all aspects of menstruation. Period! is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If you’re suffering from medical complaints, always visit your doctor or GP. Editorial articles can contain affiliate links. Sponsored collaborations can be found in the category Spotlight. Do you have any questions? Check our Contact page.
Photo above: Shutterstock.